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Create a Interpreter Request

Please note after selecting the 'Language' you will need to select the 'Type of Interpretation' – Telephone (preferred), Video or Face to Face (risk assessment box must be ticked otherwise booking will revert to video) and Translation (written).

Telephone interpreting can take place by a 2 way or 3 way call.  2 way is where the clinician and patient are in the same room and  then connect to an interpreter.  3 way is where the patient is at home, for example, and the clinician, patient and interpreter are all in separate locations.  Telephone interpreting should be considered as the first option. If telephone interpreting is not appropriate then a video call can be arranged with the interpreter via video conferencing software, MS Teams or AccuRx- a 2 way or 3 way appointment can take place as described above.

Please choose the language for interpretation you require to begin:

Risk Assessment Info

In cases where there are clinical reasons why a Face to Face appointment is necessary, (and telephone or video are not suitable), a Risk Assessment must have taken place, documented , and a copy filed in the patients notes.  If you have not completed a Risk Assessment for a Face to Face appointment then you can download and complete the form using this link to the Risk Assessment Form.

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